All posts by Elizabeth K. Joseph

Now in Production

I’m happy to report that on June 3rd the final draft of the book manuscript was turned over to Pearson so we could move into production. We had a great team of reviewers helping us get to the finish line here and meet these final deadlines, so I’m incredibly thankful for their work on the final days. Once I receive them, the last bit of active work that needs to be done is going through the figures that the artist at Pearson is drawing up from the line art I created.

From here I’ll be working from a schedule set by the publisher to handle design, composition, proofreading, and indexing. This work goes on through August, presenting us with a projected print date of September 2nd.

The book is also available now for pre-order directly from the publisher, as both a printed book, eBook and a bundle with both: Informit: Common OpenStack Deployments: Real-World Examples for Systems Administrators and Engineers.

Nearing completion

As a fast-paced, large infrastructure project, OpenStack has proven to be a fascinating and sometimes tricky topic to write a book on, but as contributing author Matt Fischer writes here, we’re in the home stretch! Our fleet of subject matter and generalist reviewers have been hard at work providing feedback. Over the next week we’ll be turning in the final chapters.


We’re also delighted to share that an ISBN has been issued and the book is on Amazon and available for for pre-ordering on Amazon. We also anticipate direct pre-ordering to be available soon from the publisher, where you’ll also be able to get deals on the digital and book bundles and more. We expect publishing to happen in late August or early September.